Friday, September 30, 2011

Day One

An important goal of mine is to learn Spanish.
My roommate, Sarah, speaks fluently and it is very impressive.
Last night she took me to a Puerto Rican restaurant for a delicious Puerto Rican meal:
Arroz y frijoles (rice and beans), Arepas, and Yuca (Cassava).

       "You have brains in your head.
       You have feet in your shoes
       You can steer yourself
       Any direction you choose."

About to start my computer Spanish Lesson One with an arepa con guava y un cafe con leche.

View from the patio...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Find the Bright Places

About a year ago, my mom read me Dr. Seuss’s Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
I never thought I would relate so well to a children’s book.
As I read the story again, I realized that Dr. Seuss covered most of my fears.
I may be alone, I may not succeed right away, I may come across obstacles.  
Yes, these fears will probably be a reality at some point.
But I can overcome all of these fears and “find the bright places.”

Dr. Seuss’s Oh, the Places You’ll Go! will help guide me through the way:

           Today is your day.
           You're off to Great Places!
           You're off and away!”

Boarding my private plane…

Arriving on the beautiful island…