Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Great Green Experiment

It's astonishing to me that an island so rich in natural beauty and ecological treasures can be so far behind on the "green movement".
Luckily, a group of us at the VCHT have decided to do something about it.
Every month, we will be featuring the "Green Corner" in Vieques Events.  Will will be touching on ways that everyone can help contribute in making Vieques a green-friendly island.  
This month, we are focusing on the "Bring Your Own Cup Campaign." We made the cover! :)

Some bars use 4,000 plastic cups a week.  1 plastic cup / 20 minutes of use = 100 years in the Vieques dump.
Most bars in Vieques do not recycle (something else we are also working on...)
So bring your own cup to the bar!  You’ll sleep better knowing there is absolutely no chance your cup killed a turtle.